Deadline Extended: A position on the 2024-2025 Residence Advisor team has opened and we’re looking for an eager Charles Street student resident to join the team! If you are a UFH resident that is a full-time U of T student, you are eligible for this Residence Advisor (RA) position for the 2024-2025 year. Applications are available on our website and are due Friday March 14, 2025 at 4:00 PM.



Charles Street Community

Resident Resources

Resources specific to the Charles Street community, where the majority of our student families live.


Browse by Category

Moving In & Your Lease

Everything you need to know about your lease and moving into your new home at Charles Street.

Rent & Insurance

Information on making rent payments and insurance.

Everyday Living at UFH

Information on the Tenants’ Association, our pet policy, decorating, setting up internet, and more.

Transfers & Moving Out

Everything you need to know about transferring apartments or communities and moving out of Charles Street

Additional Resources

Helpful information and resources for living at UFH and available to you at U of T.

Charles Street

Maintenance Resources

Code of Conduct

Students living at Charles Street Student Family Housing are also required to follow the University of Toronto’s Student Code of Conduct. It is important that this policy is read and understood by students living at Charles Street as 30 and 35 Charles Street West is University of Toronto property. Students caught behaving in a manner that goes against the Student Code of Conduct may be sanctioned by the University.