Moving In & Your Lease Internet & TV Service at Charles Street West Charles Street Internet and cable are not included in the services we provide. All residents are responsible for setting up their own internet services. Apartments at University Family Housing are equipped with phone, internet, and cable outlets. There is no need …
Moving In & Your Lease Accessing the Charles Street West Buildings Charles Street The intercom system at both Charles St. West can be connected to any cell phone or land line number; please provide this number to the residence office for connection. Being connected to the buzzer system is necessary to …
Moving In & Your Lease Visitor Policy at Charles Street West Charles Street Resources > Moving In & Your Lease Overcrowding Occurs when there are more than the legal number of people allowed to live in the space you rent. According to the City of Toronto by-laws, this is a fire …
Moving In & Your Lease Move In Standards for Charles Street West Charles Street Resources > Moving In & Your Lease You will be given a “Move-in Inspection” sheet when you move into your apartment. Please complete this form and return it to the Residence Office, with your comments and requests for …
Moving In & Your Lease Moving Into Charles Street West Charles Street Resources > Moving In & Your Lease Have you accepted an apartment at Charles Street West Student Family Housing Residence? You now need to plan your move! Here is everything you need to know leading up to your …
Moving In & Your Lease Your Lease at Charles Street West Charles Street Resources > Moving In & Your Lease Your lease is the legal contract between you (as resident) and the University (your landlord). As such, it gives both you and the University certain rights and certain obligations. The lease …
Rent and Insurance Making Payments at Charles Street West Charles Street Charles Street West Resources > Rent & Insurance We are happy to offer the following options for paying rent and other expenditures: Cheque, Bank Drafts & Money Order Certified cheques, money orders and bank drafts are accepted for …
Facilities Parking at Charles Street West Charles Street Parking spaces are currently available to residents of both buildings in the underground garage beneath 35 Charles Street West, for $110 per month added to your monthly rent. To cancel your parking agreement you must give the Residence …
Safety & Security Security at Charles Street West Charles Street Our Security is provided through a company called Allied Universal, that trains guards for working in residential settings like ours. security can help with security cannot help with I’ve contacted Security – What happens next? While Security can …