faculty, Student Families, & Long-Term tenants
The Huron-Sussex neighbourhood is a charming group of century homes owned by the University of Toronto and located on their St. George Campus. These historic homes have been converted into multiple apartments that house new faculty members, a small number of student families, and some long-term tenants.
Each apartment is priced individually depending on unit, size and amenities. With the exception of our single family homes, each unit is located in a house that has been subdivided into multiple apartments. Units will share a common front entrance, vestibule and hallway access. No two apartments are exactly alike. All units are walk-ups.
There are only a small number of one-bedroom apartments in Huron-Sussex available for student families.
AN Historic neighbourhood
Our apartments provide you with all of the necessities you need to live comfortably during your time at UofT.
The Huron-Sussex neighbourhood is right in the thick of things downtown! All of the following amenities are located right outside your front door, along with the convenience of living right on the UofT St. George campus.
Pets, in modest numbers, are welcome. Please remain vigilant that these “family members” do not disturb/harm other tenants or damage property. For dogs, a leash policy is in effect and all dogs will be appropriately tethered and attended to, while in co-op common areas; e.g. hallways, laundry rooms, vestibules, shared backyards. For cats, be mindful that our neighbourhood can be busy traffic-wise. Urban wildlife such as raccoons, and rodents are present, as well as, from time to time, the occasional hungry coyote.
Smoking, of any kind ( eg. cigarettes, cannabis, cigars, e-cigarettes (vapes), IQOS, pipes, shisha) is not allowed in the units or common areas (e.g. hallways, doorways, vestibules, stairwells).
Although Huron-Sussex is a neighbourhood of houses, it is located in a busy, densely populated area of downtown Toronto and can therefore be quite noisy with traffic and construction sounds.
Noise can sometimes travel from one suite to another. The sub-floors are not solid concrete as is common in high-rise apartment complexes. We ask residents to please keep excessive noise and activity (eg. stereos, running, jumping and other forms of “horseplay”) to a minimum.
sneak peek
Join us for a tour of the Huron-Sussex neighbourhood! These are just a few of the gems to be found in this pocket of the #UofT campus.
#LiveWithUFH #UniversityFamilyHousing #HuronSussex #universityoftoronto #uoftfaculty #HSTourUofT
Ever wondered what one of our Faculty Housing units at Huron-Sussex are like? These are historic homes that have been converted into multiple apartments, so each one is unique!
Learn more about our Faculty Housing Program at the #linkinbio
#LiveWithUFH #UniversityFamilyHousing ##uoft #uoftfaculty #HSTourUofT
Looking for a scenic walk on campus? There’s nothing dreamier than wandering around our Huron-Sussex neighbourhood! What’s your favourite spot on the UofT campus?
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Do you want to know more about how paying rent works at University Family Housing or the financial resources available?
We’ve put together some helpful resources that should answer all of your questions.
faculty resources
This list of resources includes links to the Faculty Relocation Office, The Family Care Office, Employee & Family Assistance Program and more.