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Interest in Community Programming Is High, But Participation Is Low
In the 2022 survey, tenants were asked if they would be interested in participating in offsite community programming hosted by UFH, and 64% said Yes. Over the last year, UFH opened up several recreational programs to both the Huron-Sussex and Charles Street communities. When asked in the 2023 survey if they participated in any of these programs, only 13% of tenants said that they had attended.
Tenants were also asked in the 2023 survey if they would be interested in UFH continuing to offer recreational community programming to Huron-Sussex, and 70% of respondents said Yes. UFH will continue to open their programming to Huron-Sussex and is optimistic that as time goes on, more and more tenants will attend.
Tenants Continue to Want a Mix of Programming Types
When asked what type of educational or recreational programming tenants would like to see, 37% said they want children/family programs, while 24% said they are looking for adult-only programs. UFH will continue to offer a mix of program types to meet the needs of all tenants.