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Housing/Admissions Office Staff, Property Manager, and Property Superintendent and Cleaner
Satisfaction Remains High with Housing and Admissions Office Staff
Tenants in both Faculty Housing and Student Family Housing are overall very satisfied with Housing and Admissions Staff, rating them as either “Good” or “Excellent”. Satisfaction rates have remained high and increased from 2022.
Residents Are Overall, Very Satisfied With Property Manager and Property Superintendent and Cleaner
When asked about their satisfaction levels for how emergency and non-emergency maintenance concerns were addressed, tenants were overall very satisfied, with ratings increasing from 2022 to 2023. When rating the timeliness in addressing concerns and the satisfaction of the resolution, both the Property Manager and Superintendent and Cleaner were rated as either “Good” or “Excellent”.
Unit Entry Protocols Need Improvement
When soliciting feedback on the Property Manager and Property Superintendent and Cleaner, some tenants felt that some staff did not give enough notice beforehand when entering a unit. UFH takes these concerns very seriously and has shared this feedback with staff, reiterating the proper protocols for unit entry. They will also be sharing these survey comments with Canlight, the property management company contracted for Huron-Sussex.
“When the maintenance staff come to assist us, I would prefer if they would ring the bell first before opening the doors.”
Attention to Detail Regarding Repairs Needs Improvement
“I no longer follow up when repairs are deficient and now limit the non-emergency requests I submit.”
“Staff sometimes forget to follow up and then you have to remind them again.”
Although overall satisfaction was very high, tenants noted that repairs were not being followed up on to ensure completion. To address this, UFH will be reviewing these comments with the existing property management company. Additionally, as mentioned in last year’s survey key findings report, UFH is in the process of evaluating the hiring of a Property Operations Coordinator for the Huron-Sussex neighbourhood. This role would provide oversight on day-to-day operations and ensure the quality of work is held to a higher standard.