Huron-Sussex tenant survey 2023

Key Findings

Survey Overview and Objectives

In July of 2023, University Family Housing (UFH) conducted its second annual survey of the tenants of Huron-Sussex to collect feedback on various areas including staff, communications, services and facilities, and community programming. The survey was available for anonymous tenant responses from July 27 – August 28, 2023. The survey was distributed to all Faculty Housing and Student Family Housing tenants at Huron-Sussex via email. Long-Term Tenants at Huron-Sussex were notified through a letter delivered to their door, which gave them the option to complete the survey online or submit a paper copy of the survey, which was also provided.   

The purpose of this survey is to enable the UFH team to identify areas that are working well or that are in need of improvement. By distributing this survey yearly, UFH can track progress made on actionable items brought forward in the survey and provide tenants with a regular opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns. This infographic highlights some of the key findings from the 2023 survey results and notable changes from 2022. 

52 tenants from the Huron-Sussex community took part in the survey.
27 Faculty Housing, 12 Student Family Housing, 19 Long-Term Tenants.
52 tenants from the Huron-Sussex community took part in the survey.