Policy On Visitors vs. Unauthorized Occupants
Please note that this is a University of Toronto residence intended for students with a spouse and/or children. This means that one of the people residing in each unit must be a registered full-time student or postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto. Only the people listed on the first page of the lease are legal residents.
The Residential Tenancies Act does not apply to the University residences in a number of ways. Having the authority to maintain the apartments for the student families on the lease is one of the ways in which we are different than a private apartment building off-campus.
- We do permit families to have visitors. Friends or family visiting up to one month is permissible.
- We do not permit tenants to share their apartment with friends or family members (e.g., while they look for work or alternative housing) or rent out their apartment to people not listed on the lease. This is not permitted, regardless of whether money is paid for the housing arrangement or not.
Visitor Requests
For residents who will be having a visitor for longer than two consecutive days, in advance of your visitor’s arrival, you must advise the Property Management Office.
Problems with unauthorized occupants and subletting
Occurs when there are more than the legal number of people allowed to live in the space you rent. According to the City of Toronto by-laws, this is a fire safety breach.
Utility overuse
With more than the allowable number of people in our buildings, we use more power and water than necessary, which means that tenants pay higher rents to cover the increase in utility charges.
Community safety and security
People living in our buildings that are not members of our community are unlikely to know and follow the rules and regulations outlined in the lease.