Taking Care of Your Apartment
Please respect your neighbour’s right to privacy and a peaceful and healthy home environment. Clutter, unsanitary habits, and activities that go above and beyond that which is found in a normal home environment will not be tolerated.
Tenants are required to maintain their own units and the common areas shared with other tenants, in good and clean condition. Tenants who are noted to be consistently messy in the common areas will be billed for clean-up.
Decorating Your Apartment
All apartments are unfurnished. Flooring in the apartments range from wood to ceramic to linoleum to carpeted to laminated, or a combination thereof.
- Please do not paint your units, or physically alter them in any way.
- Please enquire before attaching heavy items to walls.
- Please do not add/alter or remove any appliances. If you are having usage issues with these, please advise our Property Management staff via Concierge Plus.
- Please refrain from letting your children draw, glue stickers or otherwise mark the walls/surfaces of your unit. It takes time and effort to clean this off and we do not want to have to pass the cost of doing so onto you.
Smoking Policy at Huron-Sussex
The Smoke Free Ontario Act prohibits smoking within 9 meters of any entrance or exit of a building, as well as in indoor common areas of apartment buildings including but not limited to, stairwells, hallways, etc.
The University of Toronto Smoke-Free policy further prohibits smoking in any public areas on Campus, which includes public spaces in the Huron-Sussex neighbourhood managed by UFH.
The term “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette, e-cigarette, vaporizer, bong, joint, smoking tobacco, cannabis, or any drug in any form.
Tenants are further prohibited from smoking in their University Family Housing units as per their designated lease agreements:
Faculty Housing
As per the Faculty Housing Co-op By-law #2, under Article 5 – “Use and Behaviour”
5.10 No Smoking
The co-op is designated as a smoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited in all individual units and the co-op’s common facilities, except as may be designated as a smoking area by the co-op. Members who fail to observe this article may be subject to eviction and liable for cleaning or other costs resulting from smoking in co-op units or common facilities.
Student Family Housing and Long-Term Tenants
Anyone who moved in after December 1, 2012, is on a non-smoking lease and is prohibited from smoking in their apartment or on their balcony, as are all family members and visitors.