Residence Advisor Position Open: A position on the 2024-2025 Residence Advisor team has opened and we’re looking for an eager Charles Street student resident to join the team! If you are a UFH resident that is a full-time U of T student, you are eligible for this Residence Advisor (RA) position for the 2024-2025 year. Applications are available on our website and are due Friday March 7, 2025 at 4:00 PM.



Charles Street


Who are our Security Guards?

Our Security is provided through a company called Allied Universal, that trains guards for working in residential settings like ours.

Charles Street Security Contact

416 – 729 – 1592 (Main Number)
416 – 779 – 1683 (35 Charles St W)
416 – 709 – 5265 (30 Charles St W)

Security’s Role at Charles Street

security can help with

  • Removing intruders and assisting in emergencies such as fire or theft in progress.
  • Accessing lockers and unit lockouts.
  • Reporting noise and smoking complaints.
  • After hours maintenance concerns.
  • Reminding residents to use their FOB key.

security cannot help with

  • Accepting and holding deliveries and packages.
  • Investigating parcel thefts.
  • Performing arrests.
  • Admitting guests or food delivery personnel

Security Staff Structure

  • There are 2-3 guards on duty, including a shift manager, 24/7.
  • If a guard is not in the booth at 30 Charles, they are responding to a call or on patrol.
  • The lobby booth at 35 Charles is the central hub for security staff. There is always a guard in this booth, monitoring site surveillance cameras at both 30 and 35 Charles, unless there is an emergency situation.

I’ve contacted Security – What happens next?

While Security can often tackle a situation in the moment, some situations are complex and ongoing, and Security is only one piece of the solution. Any incidents reported to Security gets recorded in a report that is filed with the Residence Office each morning, and followed up on as needed. If you have a question about a report, or would like to discuss an incident further (e.g. a noise or smoking complaint), please email

It’s important to remember Security are not an emergency service. In the event of an emergency, please call 911 or the appropriate services directly.

Campus Safety Communications Centre (24/7) 
Non-urgent: 416-978-2323 
Campus Urgent: 416-978-2222 or 911 

Toronto Police (24/7) 
Non-emergency: 416-808-2222 
Emergency: 911 
