Residence Advisor Position Open: A position on the 2024-2025 Residence Advisor team has opened and we’re looking for an eager Charles Street student resident to join the team! If you are a UFH resident that is a full-time U of T student, you are eligible for this Residence Advisor (RA) position for the 2024-2025 year. Applications are available on our website and are due Friday March 7, 2025 at 4:00 PM.
Activity Room (3rd Floor, 30 Charles)
30 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Come join our Reading Club for snacks and education support. Our UFH Work Study Staff will connect you with your peers and provide you with some reading strategies. It is a great club for you to make friends, learn the …
Rooftop Garden
30 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
It’s Earth Day! Let’s celebrate together and help the environment by decorating and planting seeds in our very own pots! Care for your own plant and watch it grow throughout Spring in our community. Plus, connect with your neighbours while …
Recreation Room
35 Charles Street West (2nd floor), Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Kick off spring with this series of workshops geared towards indoor and outdoor container gardening. Join Toronto Master Gardeners as they share their expertise on houseplants, seed starting, balcony and container gardening and growing your own food. Workshops will include presentations, …
Drop-In Centre
30 Charles Street West, 3rd Floor, Toronto, Ontario
Sing some songs, learn some rhymes, and make some moves! Interacting with your infants through music helps develop early literacy skills. Learn some new songs and make some new friends for you and your baby!
Activity Room (3rd Floor, 30 Charles)
30 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Our program blends the excitement of education support with a tutoring circle. Our primary goal is to provide students with learning strategies. In addition, we will be engaged in weekly discussions on a variety of topics, thus offering the opportunity …
Activity Room (3rd Floor, 30 Charles)
30 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Come join our Reading Club for snacks and education support. Our UFH Work Study Staff will connect you with your peers and provide you with some reading strategies. It is a great club for you to make friends, learn the …
Activity Room (3rd Floor, 30 Charles)
30 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Come join our Reading Club for snacks and education support. Our UFH Work Study Staff will connect you with your peers and provide you with some reading strategies. It is a great club for you to make friends, learn the …
Activity Room (3rd Floor, 30 Charles)
30 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Join us to learn new rhymes as we develop and foster our early language and literacy through songs and games. Engage our large muscle and gross motor skills while using a parachute! There are 3 different dates to choose from.
30 and 35 Charles
30 & 35 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! To celebrate UFH will host a month of events and activities promoting positive mental health. Register for one event or them all! Registration for all events opens Friday, May 3rd, 2024 at 4 pm. …
35 Charles
35 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Are you a student with family commitments and wonder how the university can help you? Drop in to speak with Helen Reddy-Katz, Family Care Advisor from the Family Care Office at UofT. Questions can be on diverse topics such …
Activity Room (3rd Floor, 30 Charles)
30 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Our program blends the excitement of education support with a tutoring circle. Our primary goal is to provide students with learning strategies. In addition, we will be engaged in weekly discussions on a variety of topics, thus offering the opportunity …
Activity Room (3rd Floor, 30 Charles)
30 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Come join our Reading Club for snacks and education support. Our UFH Work Study Staff will connect you with your peers and provide you with some reading strategies. It is a great club for you to make friends, learn the …