Charles Street

General Updates

Masking Protocols at the University 

Last week’s Friday Community Update included information on the steps UFH is taking to help prevent the spread of illness during cold and flu season. These include continuing to maintain our pandemic level standard of cleaning and disinfecting and providing hand sanitizer in high traffic areas. That communication also includes a list of locations on campus where UofT students can get free masks.  

Following up on that message, we would like to issue a gentle reminder that as a University of Toronto residence, we continue to follow the masking protocols set by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at UofT. While masking is strongly encouraged, it is not required. This applies to all public areas of our buildings including elevators, laundry rooms, The Lounge, The Meeting Room, building lobbies, etc.  

For more information on the University’s policy on masking you can visit the following resources: 
