
Maintenance and Operations Updates

Pet Policy at Huron-Sussex Reminder

Pets, in reasonable numbers, are welcome in our community. Pet owners need to ensure that their pets do not disturb the neighbours with noise or aggressive behaviour to avoid possible eviction for interfering with the reasonable enjoyment of other tenants.

Pets in Common Areas
Please pick up after your pet and as many of our back and side yards are shared by several tenants, we will ask that your take your dog or cat elsewhere when “nature calls”. Dogs and cats may not be left unattended in any backyard and while in the backyard are to be on leash with their human minder or tethered in all common areas, so as not to disturb the enjoyment of the yard by other tenants. Please familiarize yourself with nearby outdoor public spaces and designated dog parks so that your pet can safely partake in the socialization and exercise it requires.

Pets of any kind are not allowed in the communal laundry rooms. Accredited service animals, are accepted.

Submit Maintenance Requests on Concierge Plus

As a reminder, Concierge Plus is the online portal for submitting requests for maintenance and repairs. To log in, type in your email address and the password “samuel”, then go to the “Service Request” page. Please allow the property manager a reasonable amount of time to assess the request, prioritize, and address the problem.

For emergency maintenance and repairs such as:

  • Floods (other than those a resident can stop)
  • Loss of electrical power
  • Loss of heat
  • Loss of hot water

You can reach our Property Management Team by calling (647) 294-5741.

Heating and Cooling

All UFH houses in Huron-Sussex have thermostats that are set and monitored by our Property Management staff and according to City of Toronto seasonal standards in addition to each unit being equipped with its own means of heating and air conditioning. As temperatures begin to warm over the coming months and you need to run your air conditioning system, do not leave your windows open. To do otherwise will overburden the system until it breaks down. If you wish to cool your unit, close the windows and shut your doors. If you feel that your means of heating or cooling is not working properly, please ask.
