Charles Street
Apartment & Building Safety Features
Apartment Security
In any situation requiring immediate police, fire or ambulance response, please call 911. For any other security concern, such as trespassers, parking problems, vandalism, minor neighbour disputes, noise complaints, etc. Please call the Residence Office during regular office hours or Security (416-729-1592) after hours.
Charles Street Security Contact
416 – 729 – 1592 (Main Number)
416 – 779 – 1683 (35 Charles St W)
416 – 709 – 5265 (30 Charles St W)
Balcony and Windows
- No articles of any description shall be hung from the windows, door, or balconies.
- Nothing shall be stored on the balconies.
- Barbeques are prohibited from use of storage in the apartment or on the balcony.
- The Resident shall not throw any article from a window or balcony or remove any window screen or pane. Not only is it illegal, but also it could seriously injure anyone who happens to be below.
- Never remove a window guard. If you need air, please open your balcony door instead. Also, please be careful that children do not play near the living room windows. Window restrictors have been installed on your windows to ensure that they open no more than four inches. If window guards are not present, request them at the Residence Office.
Parents: Be aware that children have fallen to their death from apartment balconies in Toronto. Please ensure that children and pets are never left unsupervised on the balcony.
Car Security
The following steps have been taken to insure that the garage is secure:
- Garage Access key tags must be used when entering and exiting the parking garage.
- The garage is patrolled daily.
The garage’s lighting meets municipal standards and is fairly well lit, but since it often empty of other residents, women especially are wise to take some precautions. You may want to drive around your level to spot intruders before you park the car. For security purposes, do not allow cars to follow you into the garage – drive slowly. Do not assume the door will stay open for your car when entering or exiting after another resident. Use your key tag at all times to gain access.
Lastly, check the back seat of your car before getting into it and lock up once you are in the vehicle. These precautions are not intended to alarm you, but merely alert you to good basic common sense to protect yourself and your property.
Please be aware that underground garages offer concealed access to residents’ most valuable moveable assets. Many cars have been broken into or vandalized – breaking the window and tearing out the dashboard can take very little time, and at 4:00 am, no one’s likely to hear a thing. Never leave valuables visible from the outside. Good car stereos almost certainly will be stolen, so you should either buy one that is less valuable, or ask at local audio stores for a plastic “dummy mask” with which you can disguise your radio to look like a cheap stock one.
Children’s toys and other objects must never block corridors or stairwells. Do not place floor mats, baby strollers, tricycles, or bicycles outside your apartment doors. These create difficulties for the cleaners, a safety hazard for children, and a fire hazard for all (not to mention the fact that they often are stolen). If left in the hallway, staff will remove these items. Hallways are also not meant to be a playground for children. Please be considerate of other apartments that may have residents sleeping or studying.
Child Proofing
Parents should also child-proof their kitchen & bathroom cupboards within reach of children. All electrical outlets should be covered with plastic plug-ins that can be purchased in most stores selling hardware to prevent electrical shock. All curtain and window blind cords should be kept well above the reach of children.
The elevator “crash bars” (safety edges) are designed to stop the doors from closing on someone or something between them. However, the doors are extremely heavy and close quickly so children’s hands should always be kept away from the doors. Please do not attempt to stop closing doors by waving your hands in between the doors. The elevator hall call button should be used whenever you would like to call the elevator.