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35 Charles Generator Replacement: Planned Power Outages – Please be advised that 35 Charles will experience two planned power outages to facilitate work related to the generator replacement project. This first shutdown is scheduled for Tuesday February 18th, 2025, from approximately 4:30am – 5:00am. For more information click here.


Charles Street

General Updates

Theft Prevention and Personal Safety 

It has come to our attention that over the past few weeks there have been reports of theft in and around our Charles Street community. These incidents have been reported to Campus Safety and Toronto Police Services to investigate and help us determine a course of action and any additional measures we can implement.  

Unfortunately, property theft is a persistent issue in downtown Toronto. This includes, but is not limited to, bicycle and car theft.  

Resident safety and wellbeing are of the utmost importance to us at UFH. Given city-wide theft rates of bicycles, motor vehicles, and personal belongings from motor vehicles, UFH security has been instructed to increase their rounds of the parking areas at Charles Street.  

We encourage residents to consider the following suggestions to ensure the continued safety of their belongings:  


  • Completely close and lock doors and windows. 
  • Never leave your vehicle unattended with the engine running, even for a few seconds. Turn off the ignition and take the keys with you. 
  • Never leave personal identification or valuables in your vehicle. 
  • Remove technologic and other removable accessories from view when not in your vehicle. 


  • Always lock your bike with two quality locks; use a U-lock and a cable lock. 
  • Using the U-lock, lock the frame of your bike to the bicycle rack and with a long cable lock “intertwine” the cable lock to the bike frame, wheels and bike rack. 
  • Remove all quick release items (e.g., wheels, seat) and bring them with you. 
  • Register your bike with Toronto Police. 

For additional information and suggestions, visit the City of Toronto and Toronto Police websites. We also have advice and safety tips listed on our website here. 

Please report missing or stolen items to Campus Safety and/or Toronto Police’s non-emergency line.  

Campus Safety Communications Centre (24/7) 
Non-urgent: 416-978-2323 
Campus Urgent: 416-978-2222 or 911 

Toronto Police (24/7) 
Non-emergency: 416-808-2222 
Emergency: 911 

Please note, if security identifies property damage / theft, they will report the issue to Campus Safety for follow-up. For privacy reasons, security does not have access to individual tenants’ information and will not inform them directly.   
