December 2, 2022 | Huron-Sussex
Huron-Sussex Annual Tenant Survey 2022 Results
In May of 2022, the first Huron-Sussex Annual Tenant Survey was launched. In this survey we asked for feedback on areas such as staff, communications, services and facilities, and community programming. The survey was available for anonymous tenant responses from May 30 – June 30, 2022, during which we received 52 responses from Faculty Housing, Student Family Housing, and Long-Term tenants living in Huron-Sussex.
Since June, the UFH team has been analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data and working to determine actionable next steps to address the areas of improvement tenants identified in the survey.
We have also created an infographic to summarize the key results of the survey along with action items. You can access the infographic on our website by clicking here.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide their feedback on the UFH operation. UFH will continue to distribute this survey annually to ensure that tenants continually have an opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns, and to report on the progress UFH makes on actionable items year over year.
The University Family Housing Team