There are several things to consider when looking for counseling. This step-by-step guide is designed to help you find a provider that fits your needs.
Are you looking for counseling for yourself, as a couple, or for a child or youth in your care?
Are you looking for something short or long term?
Do you prefer online or in-person?
Do you want a provider with similar identities or experiences to your own / your child’s?
What language would you like to speak to your provider in?
Do your needs align with the provider’s specialties / focuses (e.g., anxiety, caregiver stress, etc.)?
What type of counseling do you prefer?
What is the provider’s professional designation (for insurance purposes)?
Does the counseling fit within your budget?
Ask everything and anything!
Finding the right counseling can take time. Not every provider will be the right fit, but with dedicated time, you can eventually find the right support.
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Finding Counseling step-by-step