triangle with an exclamation mark

35 Charles Generator Replacement: Planned Power Outage: Please be advised that 35 Charles will experience a planned power outage to facilitate work related to the generator replacement project. This shutdown will be approximately 8-10 hours and has been scheduled for Monday March 17th starting at 8:30pm to Tuesday March 18th at 7:00am. For more information, please click here.



Charles Street

General Updates

Online Booking Portal for Recreation Room Issue Resolved 

Please be advised that the StarRez issue with the booking portal for the Recreation Room has been resolved. For instructions on booking the Recreation Room, click here. 

For those that had an existing booking for the Recreation Room that was made before January 27th, please forward your email confirmation to the Residence Office by emailing or calling 416-978-8304 to ensure it is put back in the system. 

RA Position Opening   

A position on the 2022-2023 Residence Advisor team has opened and we’re looking for an eager Charles Street student resident to join the team!   

If you are a University Family Housing resident that is a full-time UofT student, you are eligible for this Residence Advisor (RA) position for the 2022-23 year. Applications are available on our website here and are due Friday, February 10th, 2023, at 4:30pm. If you have any questions, please contact    

Laundry Room Rules and Etiquette Reminder 

This is a friendly reminder of the rules and etiquette we ask all residents to follow when using our communal laundry rooms at 30 and 35 Charles Street. 

  • If your load has finished its cycle and you are not there to move the clothes, other residents are entitled to remove your clothes to free up a machine. We recommend setting a timer so you know when to return to the laundry room to retrieve your clothes.  
  • Please do not use any kind of dye in the washing machines or wash floor mats or rugs. Pet bedding is also not allowed as the fur can clog and damage the machines.  
  • If your clothes have excess pet hair, please try to remove as much of it as you can before washing. Once your load has finished, please clean out the washing machine drum and door seal to remove any additional hair and debris left behind.  
  • We have pet-free and scent free machines available to accommodate residents with allergies or sensitivities. Please leave these machines for those who need them.  
  • Out of courtesy for your fellow residents, please clean up any spills you make.   

Please visit our website for additional information on the laundry rooms.  

Residence Office Hours Temporary Change 

Please be advised that the Residence Office will be closed from 12pm-1pm on February 9th, 10th, 13th, and 14th.  
