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35 Charles Generator Replacement: Planned Power Outage: Please be advised that 35 Charles will experience a planned power outage to facilitate work related to the generator replacement project. This shutdown will be approximately 8-10 hours and has been scheduled for Monday March 17th starting at 8:30pm to Tuesday March 18th at 7:00am. For more information, please click here.



July 19, 2023 | Major Project Updates Charles Street

Exterior Construction Project (Charles St. & Balmuto St.)

Please be advised that the University’s Transportation Services department, who manage the underground parking garage at 30 Charles, are undertaking an exhaust ventilation shaft re-structuring in the garage, near the south/west corner of 30 Charles Street West. This work will begin on Monday July 24th, 2023, and will take approximately 6 weeks to complete.

The scope of work consists of excavating a section of the street level south/west corner of the property, re-structuring the existing exhaust shaft, re-grading the surface, and installing a curb and new exhaust grate. The project will commence with the use of a jackhammer to remove the deteriorated concrete. This portion of the project will take approximately 5-7 days. Once the concrete removal is complete, sporadic drilling and pressure washing, powered by a diesel generator, will take place over the remaining timeline of the project.

The scheduled working hours for this project are Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm. Building residents may experience construction noise, and vibrations during work hours. Moreover, residents on the south/west corner of 30 Charles St. West may wish to close their windows to avoid potential odor generator fuel odors. Pedestrian pathways, and the front entrance to 30 Charles will not be impeded, however, residents should be mindful of equipment use, and workers nearby, while passing through the area.

To report any issues please contact:


We apologize for any inconvenience.
Building Operations
