Charles Street

Maintenance and Operations Updates

Common Area Painting and Repairs 

As per our communication earlier this week, Building Operations staff will be undertaking a common area painting and repair project in both 35 & 30 Charles over the coming weeks. Listed below are the areas and dates of painting for next week: 

35 Charles: Monday, April 17th at 9:00am – Tuesday, April 18th at 9:00am 
The west stairwell, from the 2nd floor down to parking level C will be closed to paint the floors. 

35 Charles: Tuesday, April 18th at 9:00am – Wednesday, April 19th 9:00am 
The center parking garage stairwell, from the ground floor down to parking level C, as well as the level B elevator landing, will be closed to paint the floors. 

During these closure periods residents will need to use an alternative entrance/exit. Thank you for your patience as we complete this necessary work. 

Building Heating Systems Remain On 

Although we are experiencing unseasonably high outdoor temperatures, the long-term weather forecast for Toronto is calling for a significant drop in temperatures through the remainder of April. As a result, the building heating systems must remain on, but will operate at a lower output. As landlords, we are required by the City of Toronto By-Laws to provide heat to a residential dwelling at a minimum of 21 degrees Celsius between September 15th and June 1st of each year.

Building Operations staff will continue to monitor weather forecasts to determine the best time to have the system shut down for the season. Residents will be notified when this takes place.
