Residence Advisor Position Open: A position on the 2024-2025 Residence Advisor team has opened and we’re looking for an eager Charles Street student resident to join the team! If you are a UFH resident that is a full-time U of T student, you are eligible for this Residence Advisor (RA) position for the 2024-2025 year. Applications are available on our website and are due Friday March 7, 2025 at 4:00 PM.




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UFH Winter Wellness 2024: Co-Ed Yoga Program on Thursdays

Activity Room (3rd Floor, 30 Charles) 30 Charles Street West, Toronto

Join us for a dynamic Iyengar yoga class and revive yourself! Relieve tension and quiet your mind. Combine physical movement with meditation and breathing techniques to center and revitalize yourself. No practice experience required. Our Wellness Program is free-of-charge and …


Friday Literacy Program (Parent + Child, ages 0-5)

Drop-In Centre 30 Charles Street West, 3rd Floor, Toronto

Come join us with your young ones to explore the world of literacy in early years. With literacy rich activities, you and your child will be engaged in play and get some reading recommendations from our passionate education team. This …


Happy Reader Club (ages 8-14)

Activity Room (3rd Floor, 30 Charles) 30 Charles Street West, Toronto

Come join our Reading Club for snacks and education support. Our UFH Work Study Staff will connect you with your peers and provide you with some reading strategies. It is a great club for you to make friends, learn the …

UFH @ Varsity Blues Games – Women’s Volleyball

35 Charles 35 Charles Street West, Toronto

Join us to enjoy fun-filled Varsity Blues games! The University of Toronto is home to many talented Varsity Teams that play against other University’s in various sports.   Our program will provide free tickets for partners/family members of our residents. …