Deadline Extended: A position on the 2024-2025 Residence Advisor team has opened and we’re looking for an eager Charles Street student resident to join the team! If you are a UFH resident that is a full-time U of T student, you are eligible for this Residence Advisor (RA) position for the 2024-2025 year. Applications are available on our website and are due Friday March 14, 2025 at 4:00 PM.



January 4, 2023 | Huron-Sussex Maintenance and Operations Updates

Superintendent Staff Change Update

Dear Huron-Sussex Tenants, 

There have been staffing changes with our property management employees that occurred recently with the departure of Valery and Tania who decided to retire. Canlight Property Management conducted a recruitment process to hire a new superintendent for Huron-Sussex last month and we now welcome Walter Frigole who replaces Valery as superintendent starting January 3rd, 2023. Cleaning services previously performed by Tania will be handled by central property management services via Canlight Property Management. All phone numbers remain the same.

Please be advised that there is a slight change in our operations for after hour emergency calls. The two superintendents, David and Walter will be sharing the after hour emergency calls. They will alternate weekly for this service as was the past practice. Walter lives off site and will be in the neighbourhood during regular working hours throughout the week. As per usual protocol for after hour emergency calls, the superintendent will discuss the emergency with the tenant in advance of attending the unit. If attendance to the unit is required, you can expect the superintendent on call will inform the tenant of their approximate arrival time.

As a reminder, superintendents will only be responding to emergencies for after hour calls such as fire, flood, loss of power, loss of heat. Non Emergency work will be addressed on a regular scheduled work day.

If you have questions about this message or property management services, please contact Laurina Mintzer at or Marian Belford at

Gloria Z. Cuneo
University Family Housing
