september 28, 2021
730 Yonge Residential and Retail Improvements Update 6
Construction activities in the north west corner of the building continue. Masonry work in and around the garbage/loading dock is ongoing, and within the next few weeks a traffic topping will be applied to the floor. During this time, access to the garbage bins will be restricted and a similar plan to relocate the bins will be communicated to all stakeholders.
Work on the exterior façade will accelerate over the next few weeks. Power washing of the plaza in the south east areas, the west area and along Charles St sections will begin in the next week. Painting of the entrance soffit, as well as miscellaneous parts on the exterior will also begin. Signage and barricade will provide notice of impacted areas. Preparation work for the column tilling will also take place, which will include things such as removing the signage at various locations around the building.
Along Charles St. waterproofing work will begin at the entranceways to the retail units. This will not close the sidewalk, but residents should note that work activity in this area will be busier along this stretch of property.
Along Yonge Street, the contractor has begun removing a concrete kneewall to install a new storefront at this location. To complete this work, they need to chip out the concrete which is a noisy activity. The chipping is expected to be completed by September 29th. When this is complete, aluminum frames and glazing will be installed, which is quieter work (with the exception of drilling fasteners into the concrete, which will not be a continuous noise).
Life safety equipment in the interior retail units is being installed which may cause a vibrating noise through the building as they drill into the concrete to secure the devices.
Updates will continue to be posted throughout the building and messaged to the Residence team and the Tenant’s Association Executive for distribution. Electronic updates will be communicated via email and on our website as well.
We ask for your continued patience and understanding as we make these necessary improvements to our facilities. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at