August 24, 2021
730 Yonge Residential and Retail Improvements Update 5
Work continues to progress on the 730 Yonge improvements project.
Demolition on the east and south interior sections of the building is largely complete. The contractor is moving to the exterior and western portions of the work next. Demolition on the interior of the west retail units has begun, and over the last week of August you may hear periodic hammering noise as a block wall in the south side of the garbage bin area is demolished. As usual, noisy work is to take place between 9:00am and 12:00pm on weekdays. Other demolition activities include things such as: removal of finishes; mechanical and electrical demolition; etc. This work produces low to moderate noise.
As work takes place in and around the garbage area, it will become necessary to temporarily relocate the garbage bins for safe access. The bins will be relocated to a temporary location closer to the residential lobby, and the garbage room will be closed off with a hoarding. This relocation will take place around the 30th of August, and will last for approximately 2 weeks. Below is an illustration of the temporary room location and the path of travel.
You may have also noticed the erection of an overhead protection and hoarding on the east side of the building. This is there to facilitate the installation of new storefront glazing, as well as new tile and panels on the façade. This work will not begin for a few weeks, but eventually will make its way in a counter clockwise movement around the building. Work on the exterior of the residential plaza will not begin until later in the fall, when more detailed communications will be made.
Updates will continue to be posted throughout the building and messaged to the Residence team and the Tenant’s Association Executive for distribution. Electronic updates will be communicated via email and on our website as well.
We ask for your continued patience and understanding as we make these necessary improvements to our facilities. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at